JoUUrney is fueled by Love and is ready for new adventures!
The River of Grass Unitarian Universalist Congregation values children and understands the impact that faith development can have on the life of a child.
Unitarian Universalists believe that the search for truth and meaning is a life-long process. Our mission is to provide our children and youth with a spiritual foundation based on our Unitarian Universalist principles and a sense of wonder.
Children and youth are important members of our community, so they worship alongside the adults for the first half of service (from 10:30 - 11:00am). After the Wisdom Tale, they are sung out to their classrooms to continue their Faith Development with age-centered lessons and activities, which run until 12:00pm.
Every third Sunday of the month, children, youth and adults worship together during our interactive all-ages services.
Our nursery is open every Sunday from 10:00am until noon.
For the 2024-25 school year, our younger class will be exploring stories from the Hebrew and Christian Bibles and relating those stories to their Unitarian Universalist faith. Older youth are studying World Religions and the roles that religion has historically played in people's lives, including their own.