Order of Service
Sunday, March 30, 2025
Putting the YOU in AdventUUre:
Finding Our People/Finding Ourselves
Morning Sing
#188, Come, Come Whoever You Are -
Words: adopted from Rumi, Music: Lynn Adair Ungar
Where You Go I Will Go -
by Shoshana Jedwab
Oh Let Us Gather - Words and Music by RevAmy Carol Webb
Ringing of the Chimes
Prelude “Hello Mudda” words and music by Allan Sherman
Call to Worship
Theme Hymn “Cuando el Pobre” [When the Poor Ones] Hymn #1027
Words [Spanish]: José Antonio Oliver;
[English] Martin A. Seltz; Music: José Antonio Oliver and Miguel Manzano
Chalice Lighting
We light this sacred flame today
That by its light
We may see the paths before us
And welcome Life's adventure
Unfolding in us. (Webb)
In the light of love, let us renew our covenant as we say together:
English: Love is the spirit of this congregation and service is its law.
This is our great covenant:
to dwell together in peace,
to seek the truth in love,
and to help one another.
Spanish: El Amor es el espíritu de esta congregación
y el servicio su ley principal.
Esta es nuestra gran promesa:
vivir juntos en paz, buscar la verdad a través del amor,
y ayudarnos mutuamente.
Deepening Music #1008, When Our Heart is in a Holy Place - Words and Music by Joyce
Candles of Community
Stones of Reflection (instrumental interlude)
Pastoral Response
Sung Response Music #370 from a Genevan Psalter, Words #381 by Isaac Watts
Wisdom Story “Katie Goes to SUUSI”
Heritage and Hope
Offering / Offertory #402 From You I Receive - Words & Music by Joseph & Nathan Segal
Message: Putting the YOU in AdventUUre: Finding Our People/Finding Ourselves
Closing Music
#354, We Laugh We Cry (vs. 1, 3, 4) Words and Music by Shelly Jackson Denham
Closing Words
Extinguishing Chalice
Announcements for the Life of the Community
Invite to Zoom and Live Hospitality
Sending/Shine on
Music Reprise
Morning Sing
#188, Come, Come Whoever You Are -
Words: adopted from Rumi, Music: Lynn Adair Ungar
Where You Go I Will Go -
by Shoshana Jedwab
Oh Let Us Gather - Words and Music by RevAmy Carol Webb
Ringing of the Chimes
Prelude “Hello Mudda” words and music by Allan Sherman
Call to Worship
Theme Hymn “Cuando el Pobre” [When the Poor Ones] Hymn #1027
Words [Spanish]: José Antonio Oliver;
[English] Martin A. Seltz; Music: José Antonio Oliver and Miguel Manzano
Chalice Lighting
We light this sacred flame today
That by its light
We may see the paths before us
And welcome Life's adventure
Unfolding in us. (Webb)
In the light of love, let us renew our covenant as we say together:
English: Love is the spirit of this congregation and service is its law.
This is our great covenant:
to dwell together in peace,
to seek the truth in love,
and to help one another.
Spanish: El Amor es el espíritu de esta congregación
y el servicio su ley principal.
Esta es nuestra gran promesa:
vivir juntos en paz, buscar la verdad a través del amor,
y ayudarnos mutuamente.
Deepening Music #1008, When Our Heart is in a Holy Place - Words and Music by Joyce
Candles of Community
Stones of Reflection (instrumental interlude)
Pastoral Response
Sung Response Music #370 from a Genevan Psalter, Words #381 by Isaac Watts
Wisdom Story “Katie Goes to SUUSI”
Heritage and Hope
Offering / Offertory #402 From You I Receive - Words & Music by Joseph & Nathan Segal
Message: Putting the YOU in AdventUUre: Finding Our People/Finding Ourselves
Closing Music
#354, We Laugh We Cry (vs. 1, 3, 4) Words and Music by Shelly Jackson Denham
Closing Words
Extinguishing Chalice
Announcements for the Life of the Community
Invite to Zoom and Live Hospitality
Sending/Shine on
Music Reprise