Order of Service Feb. 23, 2025
Bending the Arc 6:
The Arc of the Univese is Loooooooong
It's Charter Sunday!
THEME HYMN: Building Bridges
Morning Sing Gary, Theo, RevAmy, Cecilia
Gathered Here
Oh Let Us Gather
Ringing of the Chimes
Prelude -- “Lean on Me” (Bill Withers) CECILIA ROY
Welcome -- “Connecting Underground” (Naima Penniman REVAMY
Theme Hymn “Building Bridges” RoG CHOIR
Chalice Lighting — ANDY
May this flame
Be a beacon of the faith we uphold
A torch for the truth we unfold
A light of a love so bold
In the work of our hearts and hands
this, and every, day. (Webb)
Covenant ANDY
In the light of love, let us renew our covenant as we say together:
English: Love is the spirit of this congregation and service is its law.
This is our great covenant:
to dwell together in peace,
to seek the truth in love,
and to help one another.
Spanish: El Amor es el espíritu de esta congregación
y el servicio su ley principal.
Esta es nuestra gran promesa:
vivir juntos en paz, buscar la verdad a través del amor,
y ayudarnos mutuamente.
Deepening Music –#108, My Life Flows On in Endless Song REVAMY/CECILIA
Candles of Community ANDY
Stones of Reflection -- (instrumental interlude) REVAMY/CECILIA
Pastoral Response REVAMY
Sung Response (Music #370, text #381) REVAMY
Heritage and Hope REVAMY
Offering / Offeratory #402, From You I Receive ANDY/CECILIA
Wisdom Story - “I Am We” (Verde & Reynolds) KAREN GONZALEZ
Message –ARE WE THERE YET?: The Arc of the Universe is Loooong
It’s Charter Sunday!
Closing Music – “I Am Willing (Holly Near) ALL
Closing Words REVAMY
Extinguishing Chalice REVAMY
Announcements for the Life of the Community ANDY
Invite to Zoom and Live Hospitality ANDY
Sending/Shine on REVAMY
Music Reprise CECELIA