Sunday, January 19, 2025
Order of Service
STAY AWAKE: Bending the Arc Through Challenge and Change
Morning Sing
#153, “Oh, I Woke Up this Morning” Words and Music: African American Spiritual
#348, ”Guide My Feet” Traditional African-American Spiritual
“Oh Let Us Gather” by RevAmy Carol Webb
Ringing of the Chimes
Prelude “MLK’s Favorites Medley”
Welcome Reading #584, “A Network of Mutuality” by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Theme Hymn “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me ‘Round”
by The Freedom Singers, from an African-American Spiritual
Chalice Lighting
We light this candle for strength
for determination
for courage
for faith
that by our own lives
the unwavering flame of justice
shall reach the far corners
of every human heart. Amy Carol Webb
In the light of love, let us renew our covenant as we say together:
Love is the spirit of this congregation and service is its law.
This is our great covenant: to dwell together in peace,
to seek the truth in love,
and to help one another.
El Amor es el espíritu de esta congregación
y el servicio su ley principal.
Esta es nuestra gran promesa:
vivir juntos en paz, buscar la verdad a través del amor,
y ayudarnos mutuamente.
Deepening Music #1040, “Hush” Traditional African-American Spiritual
Candles of Community
Candles of Community
Stones of Reflection
Pastoral Response
Sung Response Music #371 from a Genevan Psalter, text #381 by Isaac Watts
Wisdom Story “Wake Up to Injustice” by Gayle Forsyth-Vail
Music #153, “Oh I Woke Up this Morning” Traditional African-American Spiritual
Heritage and Hope
Offertory #402 “From You I Receive” Words and Music by Joseph and Nathan Segal
Message STAY AWAKE: Bending the Arc Through Challenge and Change
Closing Music #169, “We Shall Overcome” Traditional African-American Spiritual
Closing Words
Extinguishing Chalice
Announcements for the Life of the Community
Sending/Shine on
Music Reprise
Order of Service
STAY AWAKE: Bending the Arc Through Challenge and Change
Morning Sing
#153, “Oh, I Woke Up this Morning” Words and Music: African American Spiritual
#348, ”Guide My Feet” Traditional African-American Spiritual
“Oh Let Us Gather” by RevAmy Carol Webb
Ringing of the Chimes
Prelude “MLK’s Favorites Medley”
Welcome Reading #584, “A Network of Mutuality” by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Theme Hymn “Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me ‘Round”
by The Freedom Singers, from an African-American Spiritual
Chalice Lighting
We light this candle for strength
for determination
for courage
for faith
that by our own lives
the unwavering flame of justice
shall reach the far corners
of every human heart. Amy Carol Webb
In the light of love, let us renew our covenant as we say together:
Love is the spirit of this congregation and service is its law.
This is our great covenant: to dwell together in peace,
to seek the truth in love,
and to help one another.
El Amor es el espíritu de esta congregación
y el servicio su ley principal.
Esta es nuestra gran promesa:
vivir juntos en paz, buscar la verdad a través del amor,
y ayudarnos mutuamente.
Deepening Music #1040, “Hush” Traditional African-American Spiritual
Candles of Community
Candles of Community
Stones of Reflection
Pastoral Response
Sung Response Music #371 from a Genevan Psalter, text #381 by Isaac Watts
Wisdom Story “Wake Up to Injustice” by Gayle Forsyth-Vail
Music #153, “Oh I Woke Up this Morning” Traditional African-American Spiritual
Heritage and Hope
Offertory #402 “From You I Receive” Words and Music by Joseph and Nathan Segal
Message STAY AWAKE: Bending the Arc Through Challenge and Change
Closing Music #169, “We Shall Overcome” Traditional African-American Spiritual
Closing Words
Extinguishing Chalice
Announcements for the Life of the Community
Sending/Shine on
Music Reprise