Modern-folk duo Friction Farm, is a husband and wife team of traveling troubadours. Aidan Quinn and Christine Stay, combine storytelling, social commentary and humor to create songs of everyday life, local heroes, and quirky observations. Their lyrically rich, harmony-driven songs earned them spots as Kerrville New Folk Finalists, Falcon Ridge Emerging Artists, and South Florida Folk Festival Songwriter winners. Friction Farm’s latest CD, “Evidence of Hope", which reached #10 on the Folk Radio Chart, was inspired by the collision of strong political polarity with personal kindness, the intersection of fragility and breathtaking beauty.
Friction Farm would like everyone who wants to hear them to be able to attend, so here are the suggested pricing tiers: * Suggested price: $25 * Pay it Forward price: $40 (I can afford to help others who can't afford to buy a ticket at the suggested price): * Economy price: $15 (Finances are tight, but I can afford the economy price) * Unable to pay, but would love to attend: Contact Rev Amy Carol Webb at to request a free ticket. * Price at the door: $30 cash only. |